Louisiana Campuses

The National EMS Academy maintains several campuses located across Louisiana in partnership with South Louisiana Community College. Each facility provides EMT and paramedic training for individuals interested in beginning a career in EMS.

Lafayette Campus (Main Campus)
2916 North University, Bldg B
Lafayette, LA 70507

Directions: Head north on University from I-10 or South on University from Veterans Drive. Look for the tall sign near the road that marks the turn-off to enter the Academy’s campus on Acadian Ambulance Way; building “B” is the large central building on the left.

Alexandria Campus
1804 MacArthur Drive Ste. 590
Alexandria, LA 71301

Baton Rouge Campus
9213 Interline Ave
Baton Rouge, LA 70809

Covington Campus
2016 Ronald Reagan Hwy
(Formerly Hwy 190 Bypass)
Covington, LA 70433
Head approximately a quarter-mile east of Covington High School.

Thibodaux Campus
143 Laura Drive
Thibodaux, LA 70301

Lake Charles Campus
721 Enterprise Blvd.
Lake Charles, LA 70601

New Orleans Campus
5749 Susitna Drive, Suite B
Elmwood, LA 70123

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