National EMS Academy Programs
All students are required to have a computer with a webcam that will be used for class work and exams. No Chromebooks, Surface Pros, Kindles, Smartphones, tablets or iPads will be permitted to be used during exams.
After completion of a Precourse Assessment, students will be contacted one week prior to orientation of acceptance.
Tennessee skills days are twice a week rotating between Monday/Tuesday and Wednesday/Thursday, each skill day is a duration of 8 hours.
The duration of the EMT program is 15 weeks, which is divided into two sections: EMT I and EMT 2.
The EMT and Paramedic class are no longer FAFSA eligible.
Students should contact their local area Business and Career Solutions Center to inquire about workforce aid set aside for students in their respective counties.
Students can also onboard as EMT- apprentice and or EMR is currently licensed
Yes, you must be a Nationally Registered EMT in the State of Louisiana to enroll in the paramedic program. You must complete A&P before enrolling in the paramedic program. SLCC does offer A&P for paramedic students. We also accept transfer A&P credits (must be 4 hours) from other regionally accredited colleges and universities. For more information on our paramedic program, click here.
Yes, you must have a high school diploma or GED/HiSET.
The LA EMT course packet includes updated tuition information.
The EMT and Paramedic class are no longer FAFSA eligible.
All EMT students are encouraged to apply for financial assistance through Workforce Innovation and Opportunity (WIOA) funding and through SLCC EMT student scholarships.
Students should contact their local area Business and Career Solutions Center to inquire about workforce aid set aside for students in their respective parishes.
The current starting pay for an EMT is $30,800 with an average compensation of $40,900, depending on location.
The current starting pay for a paramedic is $62,900 with an average compensation of $68,900, depending on location.
The EMT program is 12 weeks.
The A&P class is one semester.
The paramedic program takes 12 months to complete for students who have the A&P credit.
No, placement scores are not required.
After completing NEMSA’s EMS program, students are required to pass the NREMT exam and obtain an official certification or licensure in the state where they want to work. EMTs and paramedics are in high demand nationwide. Acadian Ambulance is currently hiring both EMTs and paramedics across Louisiana and throughout its four-state service area.
A hybrid class contains both online and in-person components. While instructional and conceptual material can be conducted online, other lifesaving skills must be performed in-person. The duration of the class depends on the program in which a student enrolls.
No, hybrid classes are NOT self-paced. You can expect due dates for homework, online class participation, and other activities which will be explained and discussed at your face-to-face class meeting.
Yes and no. The course content of a hybrid class usually is identical to that of a regular face-to-face class. Some people think the course is even more demanding than a regular face-to-face class because you have to have good comprehension, good computer skills and self-discipline. It is best to have high-speed internet access.
- Familiarity with web browsers
- Familiarity with email programs and attaching documents and opening attachments
- Knowledge of how to make and organize electronic bookmarks
- Familiarity with web-based interactions: email, listservs, online discussions, etc.
- Familiarity with Microsoft Word
- Experience in successful internet searches using a variety of search engines
- A level of comfort using technology
You will need:
- Access to a laptop computer
- Reliable internet access
- Latest version of a web browser (Canvas supports the latest two versions of Firefox or Chrome.)
- Course-specific software as required by the instructor
All online and hybrid courses use Canvas as the Learning Management System.
All students are required to have a computer with a webcam that will be used for class work and exams. No Chromebooks, Surface Pros, Kindles, Smartphones, tablets or iPads will be permitted to be used during exams.
In short, you should plan to spend at least the same amount of time you would spend for a face-to-face class. Nearly all hybrid students agree that hybrid courses are neither faster nor easier.
Usually not. You will have deadlines for posting your assignments, quizzes, etc., but when you complete that work is up to you. You would be well-advised to set up a daily schedule to avoid being overburdened at the end of the week. If you have a problem, contact the instructor or use the discussion board to try to get help from other students in the class.
Instructors use Canvas to manage assignments, discussions, quizzes, and grading.
You can expect your instructor to do all the things he or she would do for you in a face-to-face class. Expect to receive:
- A syllabus and course schedule
- Assignments with clear instructions and timely feedback
- Timely responses to questions
- Clear guidelines about how long it will take to get homework and quiz scores and responses to questions
- Enforcement of netiquette and protocols
You should not expect:
- 24/7 support
Honor the instructor’s virtual office hours. Your instructor will not be available during the weekend. - Help with prerequisite skills
There typically is little difference here than in a regular face-to-face class. Instructors expect that everyone will participate in the class with courtesy and consideration for each other and for the instructor. Emails and web postings should be appropriate, relevant, and reflective of a professional demeanor. Inappropriate behavior includes, but is not limited to, the following: inappropriate remarks online, cyber bullying, and plagiarism.
Please refrain from:
- Taking others’ thoughts or words without appropriate acknowledgment.
- Submitting work that has been written or revised in part or in whole by another person.
- Submitting work that you have submitted for another class.
- Schedule time to focus on the class. Don’t think that you don’t need to make time for class just because you’re not on campus. Write session times in your calendar just as you would for an on-campus class, and make sure you have a quiet place to work.
- Keep up with the class and make it a top priority. Often the biggest problem hybrid students face is gradually falling behind.
- Do assignments BEFORE the due date.
- Have a back-up plan in case of technical problems.
- Work with a small group, either in person or via phone or email.
- Communicate! Your instructor can’t see your facial expressions or body language. You must be willing to speak up using email, discussion boards, or phone calls. Ask if you are not clear about instructions, due dates, or your progress.
Tuition for the paramedic program is established by Texas A&M Engineering Extension (TEEX) and is subject to change.
Tuition for the EMT course starts at $400 with some additional costs. See course breakdown.
It takes as few as 12 weeks to become certified as an EMT and approximately 12 months to complete the requirements for certification as a paramedic.
Pay varies according to the employer and geographic location. The average pay for entry-level EMT personnel is up to $36,000-$47,000 per year and for paramedic personnel is $51,000-$64,000 per year, depending on location.
EMT Classes start roughly every two months. The Paramedic Program starts every Spring and Fall. Please contact us for more specific class dates.
After completing NEMSA’s EMS program, students are required to pass the NREMT exam to obtain an official certification. EMTs and paramedics can then apply in the state they desire to work. EMS professionals are in high demand nationwide. Acadian Ambulance is currently hiring both levels throughout their service area.