Do I have to own a computer to enroll in the Tennessee Program?
All students are required to have a computer with a webcam that will be used for class work and exams. No Chromebooks, Surface Pros, Kindles, ...
When will I know if I am accepted or not?
After completion of a Precourse Assessment, students will be contacted one week prior to orientation of acceptance.
How long is a class skill day?
Tennessee skills days are twice a week rotating between Monday/Tuesday and Wednesday/Thursday, each skill day is a duration of 8 hours.
What is the duration of the Tennessee program?
The duration of the EMT program is 15 weeks, which is divided into two sections: EMT I and EMT 2.
Can I get financial aid for the Tennessee Program?
The EMT and Paramedic class are no longer FAFSA eligible. Students should contact their local area Business and Career Solutions Center to inquire about ...
How do I register?
Apply to become an EMT. Register for A&P or Paramedic.
Do I have to be an EMT prior to becoming a paramedic?
Yes, you must be a Nationally Registered EMT in the State of Louisiana to enroll in the paramedic program. You must complete A&P before enrolling ...
Is a high school diploma or GED/HiSET required to enroll?
Yes, you must have a high school diploma or GED/HiSET.
How much is tuition?
The LA EMT course packet includes updated tuition information.
Can I get financial aid for this program?
The EMT and Paramedic class are no longer FAFSA eligible. All EMT students are encouraged to apply for financial assistance through Workforce Innovation and Opportunity ...